General East Lansing Development



  • edited July 2013
    lol @ "too large of its footprint." East Lansing is weird. They don't want the downtown to physically expand north or east, but at the same time, they have a height limit. Those two things, in effect, make sure the downtown will eventually be static. You can't constrain the downtown both up and out.

    Yeah, I'm disappointed that they are heading towards DTN even after the Mullins goes on to say (in the LSJ article on this) that DTN is less cooperative and forthcoming than Lurvey. Their concerns for Lurvey are pretty weak in comparison (i.e. they are too new to the scene and they are relying on more public funding than DTN).

    That said, I just want to see something move forward.
  • jj
    edited August 2013
    According to their Facebook page, Whole Foods is coming to East Lansing "in 2014 or later."

    Actually, 2015. Just found an article:

    I believe that the trailer park by Velocipede is the development site.
  • edited August 2013
    That is very good news. I'm sure as urbanists, we'd like something more centrally located, but this would be fairly impressive for Lansing being so small. They rarely set up in region's this small, so it shows that there is a real demand, here.

    BTW, is the trailer park in East Lansing or Okemos? I know this is right near the city limits, but I never know exactly where East Lansing starts and Okemos (Meridian Township) begins.
  • Oh, crap.

    I totally forgot this will be right near EL Food Coop and Foods for Living. There is no way that all of them can survive if Whole Foods move in. Now, I really wish they'd have tried to find a place further west, more towards the center of the metro area.
  • That trailer park is a dump though. I rode through there on a test ride when I was shopping for bikes a few years ago. It's half empty, and not in great shape; even for a trailer park.
  • The Whole Foods will technically be in Meridian Township, as Coral Gables is the first property on the Meridian Township side of Grand River. I know people really wanted a Whole Foods to take the place of the grocery store at Hagadorn and Grand River, so this is close, but I agree that it will be near impossible for the EL Food Coop and Foods For Living to continue with Whole Foods across the street.

    I actually think it's pretty hard for a Whole Foods to move in to the Lansing area, as it's already very well serviced by Meijer and Kroger. In fact, I don't know many regions where grocery stores are at such high density. This brings me to think that downtown Lansing and downtown East Lansing as basically the most grocery-store deserted places that the region has. Or could I be wrong? I would have preferred to see some longer term and more structurally safe low-income housing on the site of the trailer park, with some smaller scale retail on the street frontage.
  • Yeah, the region outside of the core is pretty well retailed, grocery store-wise and otherwise. I'd always envisioned a big box grocer taking up one of those HUGE state lots on the west end of downtown Lansing. They would make a killing despite the immediate surrounding neighborhoods being pretty low-income. But, there are still some very solid, upper middle class areas in the Westside neighborhood that would love nothing more than to have a store nearby. They currently have to drive out to Lansing and Delta townships on the westside if they want any quality grocers.

    You stick something near the Capitol Complex, and you're talking of tens-of-thousands of residents in the immediate area. You'd basically capture all of the population in the 4th Ward, and quite a bit of the residents in the western half of the 1st Ward across the river. I know I'd sure love not having to drive out to Frandor or Lake Lansing to get my shopping on.
  • Yeah. It's arguable whether WF counts as East Lansing development, but it will have an EL address. It will also attract more development. I noticed a big condo development was announced (behind the MAC in Meridian Township) right on the heels of Whole Foods.
    I'm happy to see WF moving into the area, but I would love to have seen all of this on the former Red Cedar golf course, so it would benefit Lansing more than Okemos. Overall, though, it will add the the outside perception of the metro area and offer up some food items absent from other stores in greater Lansing.
  • jj
    edited August 2013
    And, I agree about the near West side. I live on the east side, though, so I selfishly want it on the red cedar property. Haha. I don't think red cedar is even close to being ready environmentally, though.

    Also, the WILX article about Whole Foods mentions that the developer hopes to open by this time next year. That suggests a late 2014 opening rather than 2015. I think they usually get these things up pretty fast.
  • edited August 2013
    Interesting about Hannah Lofts. I'm just now reading about it at the LSJ website. You know, in years past, these kind of developments would have been kept out of Meridian Township, but I wonder if the new board is going to be more receptive? Just like in almost every other township surrounding Lansing in the 2012 general election, Meridian went all Democrat. I wonder if that means we'll see a more pro-development or less pro-development board? Meridian Township for years was known as a slow-growth community, and was very picky about the quality of the projects they did allow.

    Anyway, from the LSJ story...
    Capstone executive vice president of development John Acken said the development would feature two- and three-story townhomes with ground-floor entrances. On the fourth floor, those wanting apartments would have their choice of studios and one, two and three-bedroom units.

    Acken said the apartments would be accessible via elevator, rather than only by stairs.

    Sounds like an interesting concept, though, I'd like to see a better rendering than what's currently in the LSJ to better assess what exactly we're talking about.
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