General East Lansing Development



  • The way I'm reading it, it sounds like this was maybe a months delay at the worst, so I imagine they'd be started demolition of the existing properties no later than the end of next month.
  • That would be great!
  • This article makes the Amtrak project a little clearer, saying that the current building is expected to be torn down before the end of the year and that the new building is expected to be completed by early 2015.
    East Lansing Amtrak station project to start this year
  • A proposal to redevelop part of the Trowbridge Plaza west of MSU (near Trowbridge and Harrison Roads)...

    Trowbridge Plaza redevelopment

    While I generally like more dense development in urban areas (as opposed to more sprawl, such as the Northern Tier), this is already a high traffic intersection. Thoughts?
  • edited October 2013
    This seems less to me about creating more traffic than redoing the site to make it make more sense. I mean, if there is going to be traffic - and there will always be since Trowbridge comes right off the freeay - at least make the land-use along it high-density to encourage fewer car trips by those who live right off it. There is an actual little neighborhood tucked up behind the center.

    I'd like to see the site plan of the project before I pass too much judgement on it, though. In a perfect world, they'd have never made Trowbridge come right off that giant freeway intersection. I'd have placed the spur further south. It's my understanding that they alignment of 496 was originally supposed to push further east, but East Lansing was able to stop it, so that's how we got Trowbridge. The whole area is a mess, really. It's why I'd wish Amtrak would have placed it's station along the same CN in REO Town in Lansing. CATA could have simply had a bus route that would have brought students from campus along 496 to the station in Lansing. The current site is really poorly cited. But, it is what it is, I guess.
  • edited October 2013
    I'm happy to see the Trowbridge Plaza being planned for redevelopment. My main questions about the project are what you stated well. The layout of the area (496 alignment, Trowbridge/Harrison intersection) makes any development along Trowbridge Road challenging, I think.

    And actually, I think the intersection was worse before MSU rebuilt the road just south of Holden Hall (I forget what the road used to be called) to align with Trowbridge Road -- essentially extending Trowbridge all the way to the middle of campus (@ Farm Lane Rd).

    I agree on the location of the Amtrak station (I'm glad too, to see that redevelopment moving forward). Harrison Rd is so congested in that area with the Trowbridge/Service Rd intersections and two railroad crossings in close proximity.
  • I thought the stretch of Trowbridge south of the dorms was always just Trowbridge, and was simply reconstructed. But, I can't remember too far back. Yeah, it's a much better flow than it was, but it's still a freeway feeder road, unfortunately.

    To take the argument about the intersection and Amtrak a little further, what they should have done was taken Harrison over or under the railroad tracks like they've had to do with Farm road. Of course, this would have meant keeping passenger rail service in Lansing instead of moving it to a shack off of campus. What is already horrible traffic becomes apocaplytic when the trains come through.
  • Trowbridge Rd, from the west, used to end at Harrison Rd. Approx 1/8 mile north on Harrison, a road began running east onto campus (it might have been called Birch Road). So essentially there were two 3-way intersections on Harrison Rd very close together. It was about 10 years ago + that the road on campus was realigned to make Trowbridge/Harrison a 4-way intersection.

    Agree that the trains can make Harrison Rd a nightmare at times during the day.
  • edited October 2013
    Wait, so southbound Birch used to make a 90 degree turn just north of where the current Trowbridge Road conector is and met Harrison not even a block north of the current 4-way intersection? Interesting. It'd be interesting to see some old maps of this, and if it wasn't that long ago, it shouldn't be too hard.
  • Old MSU campus maps

    click on the '1955, Michigan State College Campus - Back' map and zoom in. The Trowbridge/Harrison intersection was similar to that until approx the late 1990s. I'll try to find something more recent. I recall Birch Road did not use to dead end like it does now.
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