General East Lansing Development



  • edited August 2013
    Well there is a 425 agreement in place, and in less than 99 years this part of Bath will become part of East Lansing as I understand it.
  • I'm talking even with the 425's. Go to Google Maps and type in the names of the townships and cities to see their borders. All 425's are considered technical annexations by the Census Bureau and map makers. There are five on contiguous chunks of DeWitt Township that lie along Chandler Road that break up development along it.
  • edited September 2013
    There is a proposal to tear down the office building located at 903 E Grand River and replace it with a mixed-use building. The building would likely keep it's same occupants, Foster & Harmon PC.

    The proposal is to build a 4-story mixed use building with 20 parking spaces on the ground floor and 1,500 sq ft of office space. The three floors above that will have 18 2-bedroom units. They are proposing to take up the entire lot and move the building right up to the sidewalk on Grand River.

    See for more details.

    If this gets through council quickly, they plan on doing construction from Oct 15, 2013 to July 30th, 2014 in order to get it rented out for the 2014-2015 school year.
  • Just to orient this better, this is at Kedzie on Grand River, or rather, if you were to extend Bogue northward from Grand River, you'd pretty much run right into the property. It's right around the area where Grand River turns back into a street from a boulevard.

    I'm really liking this 4-story infill going on in Lansing and East Lansing. Of course, if I have any complaint, at all, it's only that I wish we'd see more of it. Oddly, the Census has had the metro areas population slowing down considerably from the 2010 Census, and I just don't see that on the ground. But, then again, the the Census had way underestimated the population gain in the metro coming up on the 2010 Census. I've always wondered what made this area harder estimate than others. They had had the tri-county area estimated at about 453,000 on the eve on the least Census, and it turned out it was 466,000, most of the undercount coming in the northern tier. Anyway, getting off subject. lol
  • Yes, I should have mentioned Kedzie. Another nice thing about this project is that they are going to remove their driveway access point on Kedzie and move it to the alleyway behind the building. This will create a better environment for pedestrians. I'm really happy to see this project, as well as it's quickly proposed timeline.
  • Lingg Brewer's proposed development will go before the City Council again on Tuesday. Here are two projections of what the project would look like if it was approved:


    Alley view:
  • edited September 2013
    It's weird. In thise case, I'd actually like to see something with a flat roof. Sometimes, when you try too hard to respect the immediate surroundings, you end up with a cheap-looking imitation, and that's just what happened in this case with the pitched roof.

    Still, there is so much demand in inner-city East Lansing that this kind of stuff will happen. So, the NIMBYs that don't want to see any change are in for a rough-ride. Brewer has been trying to get this through, for years, and it's about time that they let them. Detached single family homes better get used to the fact that they will become an even more endangered species in inner-city East Lansing.
  • CATA says it is delaying construction of the new Amtrak building in East Lansing because they haven't received the funding from the government yet.

    E. Lansing Amtrak revamp delayed
  • Reading the article, it says that they got to the funding a few days ago. So, it sounds like it was delayed, but is back on track.
  • Yeah, that part of the article was confusing to me. So if they indeed got the money halfway through September, I'm wondering if they'll break ground before winter.
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