General Lansing Development



  • Yes, a well-placed and nicely disguised parking deck east of the river would take care of parking in the area for years to come. And, yeah, my first choice would be for the surface parking directly adjacent to the Lansing Center to the east. I'm sure they could work it so that it could also accomodate the existing loading docks.

    Actually, they have another option, and that is the lot behind the Stadium District along Cedar on which they originally planned to build a city ramp.
  • If done well, I'd rather see the ramp next to the Lansing Center, it would save money since they already own the land. If they decide to go cheap, I'd rather see it go behind Stadium District, where it would be mostly hidden. Either way it is much needed and I think it's overdue.
  • Anyone notice that the entire western facade of the three-story building at 738 East Kalamazoo (top of the Kalamazoo Street hill on the near eastside) has been completely deconstructed? I wonder what they are doing with it? I hope they aren't demolishing the building. I know that the owners have been trying to sell it off for years even having gone through not that long ago completely reconstructing the facade. They were offering the upper floors for loft space.

    This area along Kzoo between PA Avenue and Larch could really become something if they properly streetscaped the place and put up some lighting for safety. At the moment, it's not just physically ugly all day long, but really kind of unsafe, at least, just off the street.
  • I noticed they were doing some work on it a few days ago, but they hadn't done much at that point.
  • Yeah, I was at the library the other day, and I noticed it from way up top, there. I thought my eyes were fooling me, and remember saying to myself that "I don't remember a black building on the east hill". So, at first I thought they simply repainted it, and when I got closer I noticed that the whole western wall was gone and you could see the building's insides. lol
  • That corridor could be pretty neat, but they have to keep at least a few of the old buildings. I'm going right by there today so I'l get a closer look.

    BTW theres been a sign up on One Michigan Ave for awhile now, I finally looked at it and it's for a company named City Construction. Apparently they are going to build the Troppo addition, their website is pretty barren now though.

    City Construction
  • What side of One Michigan Avenue and how high up? I haven't seen anything, but I haven't been looking, either.
  • On the south side facing michigan ave. on the 1st floor (covering a space where a window used to be.
  • Oh, that. Yeah, that's been there for months (since they took out the National City bank entrance and ATM). I thought he meant a business neon sign somewhere at the top of the building.
  • That parking ramp would be nice. I think putting it between the Lansing Center and Oldsmobile Park could be the perfect spot. It would help Market Place, Oldsmobile Park, Lansing Center, and a couple of the night clubs nearby like Harem, The Basement, and Rum Runners. I think putting the ramp behind the Stadium District might be too far for people walking to Market Place.
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