General Lansing Development



  • Check this out:

    Nearly 17,000 photos of old Lansing homes now online

    LANSING - Ever wondered what your house looked like 50 years ago?

    Maybe there was a one-car garage that is now a two-car garage. Or perhaps there was a trellis off the front porch. Was the house flanked by trees? Maybe there was once a porch that's no longer there.

    As of last week, it became a bit easier for Lansing residents to find out.

    Capital Area District Libraries Local History Online has added nearly 17,000 images of homes in Lansing.

    "Most of the photos were taken between 1963 and 1965," said Heidi Butler, local history specialist at Capital Area District Libraries. "There are some that are into the '70s, maybe a few early '80s, but the bulk of the photos are from the '60s."

  • I've had a ton of fun looking up familiar homes on this resource. Sadly they had all of my neighbors but somehow skipped by my place.

  • How were you able to find the parcel number for your home? I've got the current parcel number but the description at the top of the page doesn't help me find the old number.

  • I'm looking near Pattengill and Mt Hope btw

  • edited August 2017

    Here's an example:

    Current parcel number: 33-01-01-34-378-131
    Old Parcel number: 3301-34-378-131

    So you combine the first two digits with the 3rd and 4th digits 33-01-01 becomes 3301 and then the sequence from there is the same.

    The listing on the URL shared above is in order, so you can look up the page that may contain the home you're looking for by focusing on the first three number groupings, in my example I looked at the link that says 3301-34-370s

  • Thank you! I was able to find the property using your help @sabatoa.

    @The_Lansing_Magnate, I really like the sign (Crown Cleaners?) in the last picture you posted on the 1926 building.

  • The City Pulse has a letter from the Mayor basically saying that the City Hall building is a dump not worth saving. Last week they had these depictions of what might replace the current building. The former Mayor was kind of saying the same thing, that we should sell the space and build another city hall. I am not going to any wall defending the current building, but the Mayor kind bad mouthed the "preservationist" type people who want to renovate the building. Those pesky people just get in the way of progress according the Virg.. As someone who was not born here or did not grow up here I guess I can understand why he dose not value anything that was built before he became the Mayor, but I found his tone rather insulting and the drawings of what could go there really awful, and already dated looking. People can disagree without being condescending.

  • edited August 2017

    Well, another street I never thought'd they fix...Walnut is being repaved through the Walnut neighborhood west of Old Town. From the Public Service Department:

    Turner Street through the heart of Old Town is also getting fixed:

  • It amazing to see how much better a neighborhood can look with a nicely paved street.

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