General Lansing Development



  • You're talking about the fountain, right?
  • yeah, the fountain.
  • This is going to look SO nice, I can't wait to see the finished product. ANd Maybe more importantly North Washington will get a real chance at some redevelopment, it ought to be interesting.
  • I was driving downtown today and noticed that there's a construction sign on the corner of MLK and Kalamazoo. I didn't get a very good look at it, but from what I could tell it was for a 3 story office building at that corner. Anyone heard anything about this?
  • edited February 2007
    This is a potential mixed use development by the Eyde's that they put together to please the city and neighborhood after what I think has been 7 years of wrangling over what to build at the site. The city keeps giving them extensions. The problem is that the developer would just rather build office space, and the city and surrounding neighborhood want some quality retail and residential in the area. Since the city doesn't want to try and take the land away from the Eyde's, the only tool they have is to keep denying the Eyde's development plans and giving them extensions. The only reason they Eyde's came up with the current mixed use plan for the site is because the city forced them to. I don't think the Eyde's have any intention to actually build it, rather something to simply buy them more time. This mess has been going on for years, and the signs been up for what, 1.5-2 years, now? Both parties are essentially playing a game of chicken, and waiting out the other until one of them gets there way. In my personal opinion, the Eyde's are the one that have refused to compromise.

    Just to make sure I've characterized the situation correctly, I've written a city contact of mine to find out the status and exact history behind this project.
  • I emailed Pat Gillespie to see what was going on with Prudden Place Phase 2, he said that the cost of materials and labor have skyrocketed, and I believe him, as this has killed many of the condo towers in Vegas over the past few years. He's currently reworking the plan to make it work.

    Also, he said that they've installed a webcam atop the Lansing Center that will show live feed of the construction of the Stadium District, and he'd let me know when it would be available on the web.
  • That's too bad to hear about Prudden Place, but I would think that labor would be cheaper with a bad economy.

    I'd like to see the webcam view, it'll be a nice feature for somebody who doesn't make it down Michigan Ave that often.
  • Oh, he was very adament that Phase II isn't dead, but just that it needs to be reworked to fit the current economy.
  • That's good. I'm happy that projects like Prudden Place have turned out successful enough for the developers to be actively pursuing a second phase.
  • Well, he'd always, from the beginning, proposed it as a two phase. The only way the second phase would not be built is if the market was just terrible. But, he's found his niche. These smaller projects are the way to go, at the moment.
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