General Lansing Development



  • What I got from the article was that the current Main Library would become a Central Services Building for the system. A new Main Library and Impression 5 combination would be built elsewhere. I hope the expansion goes forward. I'd actually like to see the system expand to other counties, as well as the city of East Lansing. I always use the South Lansing branch, which has recently been expanded. Sounds like improvements for each location at the minimum.
  • Cliff, East Lansing decided back in 1995, I think it was, when CADL was formed, that they wanted to keep their own independent library system. I don't expect Eaton and Clinton to ever be part of the system. They complain just about passing millages for LCC. They don't even pay any subsidies to Capital City Airport.

    Yes, they are talking about an entirely new building for CADL Main. I was disappointed to see that we may not see anything until 2014. I thought they'd try and do this much more quickly.
  • edited September 2007
    Ok, so these are about a week old. And I make no claims about the actual picture quality. I was having some major exposure problems that day.

    Here are some shots of the work going on on Michigan Ave, and the work on Washington near LCC.




    Here are a few random shots of buildings getting new facades. It's about time Kelly's replaced that awful awning.


    Here's a shot of the exterior of Clem's. The city made them erect this crazy scaffolding thing around the entrance while they work on the facade. It completely covers the front of the store. They're in the process of painting some plywood so people know they're still open. My friend Tom said their sales have dropped 30-40 percent because of all the construction going on. Even some of their regular customers either question whether they're open or not, or don't think it's worth the hassle of dealing with all the construction.



    I remember reading something about this building being turned into apartments. Looks like it's well on it's way.



    I get a kick out of these signs downtown. Directing people around all the construction. It goes to show just how pervasive it really is.


    Additional pictures in the Stadium District, and Hollister threads....
  • I've been keeping an eye on all this construction and I'm really looking forward to seeing the streetscaped Michigan Ave and reopened N Washington, from what I can tell it will look really nice. The same thing goes for that 5 floor building, I'm suprised it wasn't one of the first buildings to get rennovated.
  • As a lover of urban shade trees along streets, I've been completely underwhelmed and disappointed by the rain gardens, thus far, on Michigan Avenue. I thought they were going to be much different than they've turned out. Michigan between Larch and Pen. looks so barren no without the shade trees that used to line the avenue. Shade trees help not only shade a street, but frame it more correctly at a more pedestrian scale. Without them, the avenue looks so naked. I also had no idea the 'rain gardens', which I now know are little more than glorified weed ditches, would be so deep so that even when the flowers do bloom, many will be too deep to see from the street. I guess I wouldn't have minded if they could have found some way to include the exisiting streets into the plan. While many cities such as LA and NYC are planting thousands of new trees, we're taking them away on more thoroughfares than just Michigan. If this is the plan, I'll be against such a future solution for other streets in support of something much more beautiful and practical.

    Thanks for the development updates, Mindbender.
  • In the City council agenda for this Monday there is something about a proposed development on the west end of Hunters Ridge. They are planning 123 detached condos. This would be the largest development of single family homes in the city in a long time, although it is barely in the city.
  • They touched on the Hunters Ridge thing this last Monday as well. Here is a City Pulse article regarding the development to anyone interested:
  • Finally after years nothing happening, potter park may be expanding accross Aurelius in the somewhat near future, and some much needed improvements are coming soon:Much ahead in zoo overhaul
  • hood, it says expansion to the west, so that would mean taking up some of the land inside Potter Park. If I remember right there is some undeveloped land on the north side of the access road and south of the train tracks.
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